Sanitation & Prep
- Sanitation
Your treatment area should always be cleaned after every client. Give yourself enough time in between clients to properly clean/sanitize the area and prepare for your next appointment. Your work area should not show any signs of a previous client, wipe down all products you used, and dispose of any tools that need to be replaced for the next client. Needless to say, be clean! You are dealing with blood and someone's health, take cleaning and sanitation seriously.
- Sanitation for yourself
Another way in which healthcare workers can control the spread of infection is to use appropriate barriers, known as personal protective equipment, or PPE.
The most common items of PPE and their applications include:
Gowns: used to protect skin and clothing during procedures when contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions is anticipated. Gowns must be secured appropriately.
Masks, goggles, respirators, and face sheilds: used during procedures that are likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, and secretions. Respirators such as an N-95 mask protect the respiratory tract from airborne infectious agents.
Gloves: used whenever there is a potential for contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or contaminated equipment. Gloves cannot be reused or washed and must not be used for the care of more than one patient.
Proper Table setup:
- Hyaluron pen
- Hand mirror
- Hyaluronic Acid Filled Ampoules
- Alcohol Wipes and Alcohol Sanitizer
- Gloves
- Table/tray
- Petroleum Jelly
- Aesthetic Q-Tip
- Disposable Towel
- Re-gloving
With aesthetics procedures you may find yourself constantly needing to re-glove. You should try to go into the procedure as prepared as you can be but things happen. Sometimes you will find yourself needing to grab something from a drawer, but oh wait! You have to make sure you change your gloves. At this point before you touch anything you will need to take your gloves off so that you are not contaminating the handle and anything else you touch in the process. You need to stay conscious of what you're about to touch when doing procedures. The only things you should be touching with gloves is what you have set up on your tray before the procedure. Once you have grabbed what you need to get you will then need to put on a new pair of gloves before you start touching any of the procedure equipment and start again.